
Thank you for visiting the website of the workshop on approximate computing.

Workshop on Approximate Computing

Paderborn, Germany, October 15-16, 2015

Current Event: 2016
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About the Workshop


Approximate Computing exploits the inherent error resilience of many applications to optimize power consumption, run time, and/or chip area. In particular in audio, image and video processing, but also in data mining or resource allocation tasks, approximate results are “good enough” and hard to distinguish from perfect results. In the past few years, approximate computing has been addressed from various directions. The goal of the workshop is to provide an interdisclinary forum for presenting and discussing scientific results, emerging ideas, applications, hot topics and new trends in the area of Approximate Computing.


The areas of interest include but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Approximate circuits, components, and micro-architectures
  • Design and synthesis of approximate circuits and systems
  • Modeling, specification, and verification of approximate systems
  • Test and fault tolerance of approximate circuits and systems
  • Language, compiler, and operating system support for approximate systems
  • Applications and case studies
Beginn: 15.10.2015 09:00AM
Ende: 2015-10-16:00.000
University of Paderborn
Warburger Straße 100
Paderborn, NRW